A right given to a third party to use a portion of the property for certain purposes, such as power lines or water mains.
The projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof.
Effective age
The age of a structure estimated by its condition rather than its actual age.
The exterior view of a home design that shows the position of the house relative to the grade of the land.
Fences or other structures that extend into the property of another owner.
A claim or lien on a property that complicates the title process.
English Tudor style
An architectural design that features stone or brick exterior walls and exposed beams.
Environmental impact statement
A government-mandated evaluation of all aspects and effects a development will have on the environment of a proposed site.
A determination of the value of a property after existing liens are deducted.
A neutral third party holds the documents and money involved in a real estate transaction and ensures that all conditions of a sale are met.. Escrow also refers to a special account that a lender establishes to hold monthly installments from the borrower to cover property taxes and insurance.
The total assets of a person, including real property, at the time of death.
A legal procedure to remove a tenant for reasons including failure to pay rent.
Exclusive listing
A contract that gives an agent the exclusive right to market a property for a specific period of time.
A person appointed to carry out the instructions in a will. If there is no will, a probate court will appoint an executor.
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A right given to a third party to use a portion of the property for certain purposes, such as power lines or water mains.
The projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof.
Effective age
The age of a structure estimated by its condition rather than its actual age.
The exterior view of a home design that shows the position of the house relative to the grade of the land.
Fences or other structures that extend into the property of another owner.
A claim or lien on a property that complicates the title process.
English Tudor style
An architectural design that features stone or brick exterior walls and exposed beams.
Environmental impact statement
A government-mandated evaluation of all aspects and effects a development will have on the environment of a proposed site.
A determination of the value of a property after existing liens are deducted.
A neutral third party holds the documents and money involved in a real estate transaction and ensures that all conditions of a sale are met.. Escrow also refers to a special account that a lender establishes to hold monthly installments from the borrower to cover property taxes and insurance.
The total assets of a person, including real property, at the time of death.
A legal procedure to remove a tenant for reasons including failure to pay rent.
Exclusive listing
A contract that gives an agent the exclusive right to market a property for a specific period of time.
A person appointed to carry out the instructions in a will. If there is no will, a probate court will appoint an executor.
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