Thursday, March 18, 2010


The key to an easy move is careful pre- planning. There are many action items that need to be taken prior to the move all the way up to the actual day the first box is loaded on the moving truck. Take time to write down and organize the decisions and activities that will need to be accomplished prior to the move such as securing a mover and changing your address. Ideally, you should try to break up the tasks over a two-month period. By doing so, you won’t overload your schedule, plus it can save you time and money. To get you started, consider using the checklist below as a guide.

Eight Weeks Prior

* Get estimates from at least three professional movers. If you are going to do it yourself, get estimates on rental trucks.
* Decide which furniture and household goods you’ll be taking, which needs to be disposed and which needs to be replaced.
* If you will be moving to a new city, contact the Chamber of Commerce of that town for a new residence packet. Your sales professional may also have information.

Six Weeks Prior

* Inventory your possessions besides furniture – kitchenware, decorative items, electronics, apparel and so on.
* Complete a change of address form with the post office. Make sure you notify organizations, credit cards companies, and publications to which you subscribe of your new address, too.
*Obtain copies of all medical, dental, legal, accounting and veterinarian records if moving out of town.
* If children are changing schools, arrange for transfer of educational records.
*Itemize moving-related costs with the mover including packing, loading, special charges and insurance.

Four Weeks Prior

* Make arrangements for packing your belongings. If you will be using professionals, schedule with the company for packing to take place a day or two before the move. If you will handle packing on your own, purchase adequate boxes, packing materials and tape.
* Arrange for short-term or long-term storage if needed.
* Make travel arrangements for pets including necessary medical records, immunizations, medication and so on.

Three Weeks Prior

* Begin packing items you won’t need immediately or that will go into storage.
* Contact utilities on both ends of the move to order termination or turn-on for occupancy date.
* Confirm travel arrangements for family and pets.

Two Weeks Prior

* Terminate newspaper and other delivery services.
* If necessary, arrange and confirm new bank accounts and local services in your new neighborhood.

One Week Prior

* Gather important papers, records, and valuables for protected shipment to new home or safe deposit box.
* Obtain any prescription medications needed for the next few weeks.

Day Before or Actual Moving Day

* Defrost refrigerator/freezer and give away all perishable food.
* Keep a box marked “Last Box Packed/First Box Unpacked” for tools, flashlights, first aid kit and so on. On moving day, this should be the last box placed on the truck.
* Pack items to carry with you such as valuables, financial records, personal papers and so on.
* Give the movers a telephone number and address to reach you.

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